Sunday, September 8, 2013

[ health ] :: week one - no fast food

I survived! I have to admit, though, I was very tempted to drive through McDonalds for a bottle of water or cup of coffee. This made me think...

What the hell was I thinking?! Spending $1 or $2 multiple times per week on something I can pack form home? Geeze, I feel dumb.

I've started using a travel mug for my coffee, and have even started making iced coffee (ice + coffee + skim milk) in the afternoons. I have resurrected a Nalgene bottle from the basement, but quickly realized that I need a more Mags-friendly bottle. Funny story: I was in the middle of giving a biology lecture and took a sip from my water bottle, only to have it slosh all over my white blouse. Thank goodness I had a cardigan on over it, or all of my students would have seen my jiggly bits. *shudder*

I need a sippy cup with a straw, STAT!

So far I haven't had any temptations to get a drive-through meal, since I've been packing a small snack in my purse every day. I have a feeling that when I travel later this month, I will be tempted to drive-through for breakfast. I must stay strong!

This should be easy, since I feel like I've gotten into the routine of packing a breakfast. It gives me a bit more time in the morning, and it saves money. Example: Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Thin with pumpkin cream cheese and a hard boiled egg for $0.44 (290 calories) versus an Egg McMuffin meal for $4.39 (450 calories). Should I even mention that I lost almost 2 pounds this week?

I have officially set the "Fast Food" budget on my account to $0. Wish me luck!

 - Maggie White

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