Sunday, October 6, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: sunday funday!

The Hubs and I took the Demon Dogs to the Chattapoochee Pet Fest to wear them out get some fresh air. Have I mentioned lately how awesome our city is? Not only do they have amazing Fall Festivals and Food Truck Fridays, they are incredibly dog-friendly and have an entire dog festival to celebrate!

The dogs flipped out when we pulled up to the park - they knew it was something for them! We let them run loose in the fenced-in area, then made a bee-line for the food vendors. Typical.

First, we got some hand-made burgers and raw beef bones from the Patton's Meat Market tent. I was really impressed by the quality of the was Emma. 

The Demon Dogs were perfectly content to sit in the shade and gnaw on their bones for a while. Emma has a very dainty approach to chewing. She lays down in one place and methodically chews until the bone is picked clean.

Norman, on the other hand, gets a little more primal and goes wild on his bone...I'm glad they were too big for him to swallow whole.

 And gets himself into some weird chewing positions. Like this:

Someone please explain the logic here.
So, we ate, and ate, and ate some more...

...and checked out the vendor tents as we walked back to the dog park area. The darndest thing we saw all day was this pot-bellied pig! Surprisingly, the dogs left the pig alone and only one pup barked at it when he realized that this was not a canine. It was so adorable and rolled in the grass surrounding the dog fountain.

The Demon Dogs didn't mind the pig much...until it tried to play with them. We were on our way out of the park when the pig and the dogs exchanged some sniffs. All was well, until the little swine tried to play - he started nipping at Norman's legs and obviously wanted to play wrestle!

Needless to say, Norm was not pleased and decided that he was not into playing with pigs. When his hair stood on end, I looked at The Hubs and said, "uh, it's time to go!"

Of course, that was the pig's cue to turn to Emma and gnaw on her hip a little.

She was as equally unsettled as Norman was, so when I said, "run, Emma!" she and I hauled-butt across the yard to the gate. I wish we had a video, because that pig kept up with her, nipping at her heels (I had no idea pigs were so fast).

That was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen.

- Maggie White

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