Monday, October 7, 2013

[ health ] :: good morning!

Mornings are sometimes a battle for me - not only do I not want to wake up, I don't want want to get out of bed! Having a variable schedule makes it difficult as well. Some mornings I have to be at work by 8:00 am, other days I don't need to be there until 5:30 pm. Regardless, I've been making an effort to change my morning routine.

My old routine was pitiful. I would wake up tired, schlump downstairs for a Diet Coke, and get ready for the day. No breakfast. No exercise. Nothing. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why I was always tired until I had lunch. I'm a smart gal, but sometimes I'm pretty dumb. [ hint: it was the lack of breakfast ]

This is my new routine, and it really gets me awake and feeling good in the morning (no caffeine required!). Stretching helps me wake up and feel refreshed in the mornings, and crunches get me off to a good start! Doing jumping jacks, or running in place, helps get my body temperature up and wakes me up - plus, the tiny bit of cardio in the morning makes me feel like I did something good. Standing calf raises and tricep dips at the sink (be careful not to slip) round out my morning routine. Most importantly, take a minute to plan out your day and do some internal reflection. Make sure you follow up with a good breakfast, and you're all set!

Let's be real - I don't do this every single morning. Some mornings I just don't feel like it, other mornings I'm in a huge hurry (oversleeping), and sometimes I'm going to go to the gym or the barn what's the point of doing physical activity in my bathroom? Other than the stretching, rolling out of bed, and brushing my teeth, I do the other activities a few days per week. Better than nothing, right?

- Maggie White

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