Sunday, December 8, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: sunday funday!

The Hubs and I got a lot accomplished this weekend. We (started) to decorate for Christmas and managed to put our tree up.

We wrapped presents (woot!), and we started preparing for our holiday parties that we are hosting.

Yes, The Hubs really labeled the tag this way.

It took a few trips to TJMaxx and Target, but I think we finally have enough dinnerware, glassware, and tableware (and other 'wares'). Holy cow, it's quite a bit of work! I've been talking about houseguests and parties for a while now (don't feel bad if you have not been invited), so let me elaborate.

Table setting sneak peek!

First off, our neighborhood is having a progressive dinner party and we are co-hosting the main course at our house. I have no clue what side dishes I'm making yet, and I haven't the faintest idea how I'm going to seat 24 people in my house. It'll work though. We are feeling the pressure to have a nice presentation since we are the youngest couple at the party (most of the neighbors are retired or elderly), and I'm pretty sure our neighbors are curious about the renovations we've done.

Before and After (ish)

Next, my sister in law is getting married and we're having a small shindig for her. No big deal - it's just 6 days after the first party. Then we'll have family in-and-out of the house until the New Year, when The Hubs' brother will visit again and we're doing New Years Eve at our house. He and his ladyfriend were great guests, so they are welcome back!

Have to make sure everything is perfect!

Then finally, the wedding. My reward for behaving until the reception (because apparently I can't drink before/during the ceremony) is to party hard. And by 'party hard' I mean eat until I am stuffed and drink 3 glasses of wine and get really sleepy. Has anyone else noticed that as they age they don't get drunk anymore? I just get tired. And take off my shoes.

I have a feeling that December is going to go by way too fast.

- Maggie White

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