Saturday, December 7, 2013

[ grocery ] :: the week in review

This week was a big shopping week for us. I stocked up on meat and a few other items (like a ton of paper towels!) since we were running low. As usual, I went to Publix 8-bajillion times.

First, we ran out of food. Yep. No joke. After the swarm of locusts family left our house, we were low on a few items. I had a big Kroger shopping trip on Sunday to load up on veggies (4 lbs of mushrooms!) and meat for to last a few days. I raided the Manager's Special items since they weren't going to expire until later in the week. Grocery: $37.74. Retail: $70.12.

 As usual, I went back to Kroger when we ran out of meat. I'm trying this whole "no drive-through food/snacks" thing again and found that I like almond milk and a Larabar as a snack. It's like a very naughty treat that's actually healthy. I also got chicken breasts on sale ($1.99/lb, so I got about 6 lbs) and Manager's Special ground chicken for $1.79 each - score! Grocery: $28.19. Retail: $52.91.

Now for Publix! During my first trip I got yogurt for The Hubs, canned corn, FREE deodorant, and Brawny paper towels (not pictured). Grocery: $3.58. Retail: $9.26. Personal Care: -$0.35. Retail: $5.30. Home Supplies: $5.49. Retail: $8.99.

Next up, Publix again. I needed $25 worth of groceries to get $10 off a $50 Visa gift card, so I picked up some tiny Diet Coke cans as part of my "no fast food" effort. I stocked up on paper towels this time and got bleach for a penny. Did you know that black pepper is $5.79 per carton? I'll be getting mine from the farmer's market from now on! Grocery: $10.63. Retail: $13.37. Home Supplies: $9.99. Retail: $21.64.

Finally...I sent The Hubs to Aldi. The weather has been so nasty, we have been craving tortellini soup. He picked up some Hershey's bars for me (on the phone I said, "I'm grading papers"), and "meat sticks" for him (whatever the heck those are). Grocery: $13.71. (I did scout out these items at Publix, and they would cost around $19).

Aside from buying meals for the week and stocking up on a few things...Here's the damage:
Grocery: $93.85 (holy cow!...but we did freeze a lot of the meat)
Home Supplies: $15.48
Personal Care: -$0.35

- Maggie White

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