Tuesday, January 7, 2014

[ garden ] :: it snowed!

It's been a while since my last garden update, but I've been steadily growing Georgia Collard Greens, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, radishes, garlic, Swiss chard, and Brussels sprouts (with no luck).  I think my poor winter vegetables are going to die soon. :(

I went outside to check on them yesterday afternoon and it was snowing. In Georgia. The temperature went down to 7 degrees overnight, which is absolutely unheard of here. On the bright side, I did get some really cool pictures. It's show-and-tell time! (Northerners: prepare to laugh at our piddly amount of snow)

My poor Brussels sprouts got iced over before they had a dusting of snowflakes.

The deck when it began snowing.

Who knew an iPhone could take a picture this close up? I almost froze to death trying to take pictures...my dumb self went outside in shorts...but it was worth it!

- Maggie White

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