Thursday, February 13, 2014

[ garden ] :: inside vs. outside

Ok y'all, get ready for a big word: juxtaposition. That is the word of the day. This is what I saw outside first thing this morning...

2 inches of ice covered in another 1-2 inches of snow. This is catastrophic by Georgia standards.

And this is what I saw inside this morning...

Front: mesclun and romaine lettuce. Back: tomatoes!

I have my grow lights set up inside The Hubs' office (he is not thrilled about this) and my seedlings are looking great! The peppers and eggplant are beginning to develop their second leaves and LOOK! I have a tricotyledon eggplant seedling! It has three leaflets instead of two. :)

Fairy Tale Eggplant from Burpee. I can't wait to see how it grows!

I'm amazed that in the dead of winter, when ice-covered trees are snapping in half, I have the plants for my summer garden happily growing indoors! It's a real morale boost to have these little seedlings under my care when we can leave the house for 3+ days. I've been inside since Tuesday afternoon after the police came to escort me out of work. By the way, that's how you can tell how badass you are - when the police kick you out of the building.

Thankfully we have power, water, and enough food to keep us well-fed at least through the weekend. :)

- Maggie White

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