Tuesday, April 1, 2014

[ home ] :: diy wine cork letters

Do you like wine? Do you end up with a ton of wine corks? I sure do, and I eventually had to find something crafty to do with all of them. As most of my crazy projects begin, I was looking through Pinterest when I saw the perfect craft for my corks - a giant wine cork covered letter! It's super easy to make, and when you are finished you can either prop it up (like I did), or hang it on the wall.


Wine corks :: free!
A wooden or paper-mache letter (12" or larger works best) :: $5-$12
A hot glue gun


Glue your corks to your letter - simple! You may need to apply glue to the side of some of the corks to hold them in place. Get artsy with it and experiment with broken corks and corks stained with wine. I like to pick corks with a cool design to go on the edges, and put the rest on randomly.

Make sure you put newspaper down first to cover your work surface, or your Hubs will come and yell at you. Oops...

The Hubs and I have been working on our "W" for years...I say it's a "W" for "White" and he says it's a "W" for "Wasted" or "Wino." I think it's grown on him! Our favorite wine has a screw-top, so we have resorted to having friends and family collect corks for us. If you play your cards right, you can get a lot of corks over time for absolutely free!

Happy crafting!

- Maggie White

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