Friday, August 23, 2013

On the Cheap

Well - I decided it's time for a new blog! I have wanted to start a "lifestyle" blog for a while now, but had no idea where to start. Until the other day. When my husband jokingly called me a miser

Ok, maybe he wasn't kidding. So I looked up the definition on Wikipedia:
"A miser is a person who is reluctant to spend, sometimes to the point of forgoing even basic comforts and some necessities, in order to hoard money or other possessions. Although the word is sometimes used loosely to characterize anyone who is mean with their money, if such behavior is not accompanied by taking delight in what is saved, it is not properly miserly."
I went through a mental checklist - do I meet these criteria?

Reluctant to spend? Sometimes.
Forgoing basic comforts? ...depends on your definition...
Hoard money or possessions? Yep. Guilty.
Taking delight in what is saved? You betcha!

Darn, he's right! 

What I really love doing is doing everything on the cheap. While I am frugal with my money, sometimes to the point of being miserly, I am a firm believer that you should always try to do the following:

1) Spend less than you make.
2) Save some of what you earn. 
3) Be frugal, but...
4) ...don't sacrifice quality or health to save a buck.

So join me on my (sometimes eccentric) journey! 

- Maggie White

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