Saturday, August 24, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: saturday night movies!

Well, The Hubs is out of town visiting his brother...what's a girl to do?

Answer: lounge in her PJ's and watch movies!

While I hate when The Hubs is away, it's prime time for watching things he does not like. Honey Boo Boo? Check. Downton Abbey? Check. Documentaries? Check.Old movies? Oh yeah!

Sometimes I plan ahead and record movies and TV shows throughout the week, but more often than not I will rent something off Amazon. This should be a good time to warn you: I have a full on love affair with Amazon Prime. Although a $79/year membership doesn't seem like something a miserly gal would like, it has paid for itself ten-fold! I use Amazon frequently, so the free 2-day shipping, free e-book each month, and free movies and TV shows make it worth it. (I promise I'm not an Amazon spokesperson!)

Enjoy Amazon Prime
See? How awesome is this!
On the menu tonight, I have:

Downton Abbey, Season 3

Under the Dome - my dad's recommendation!

And finally, Amelie. It's been on my watchlist for a while, but always cost money to rent in the past, but I just realized it's free to stream online from Winner! I have wanted to see this since it came out in was the "cool" movie to have watched when I was in high school, but I never did. 12 years we are!

What's a movie night without snacks, though? I picked up a $0.99 hazelnut chocolate bar from Aldi to go along with my Stupid Easy Popcorn and herbal tea. Maybe I'll even crack open a bottle of Winking Owl (awesome $2.49 Aldi wine). What a night!

Any movie suggestions for next weekend?

- Maggie White

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