Monday, August 26, 2013

[ recipe ] :: stupid easy popcorn

Ok, so this isn't really a recipe, but it's one of my favorite snacks. I had to share it! Popcorn gets a bad rep from it's movie-theater counterparts: one small bag of popcorn at the movies can be anywhere from 350-650 calories, and loaded with fat! Plus, the artificial flavors, oils, and preservatives can make you feel icky and bloated afterwards. Can we pause to mention that this recipe is a money saver, too? I got a 30 ounce jar of kernels on sale at the store for $1.49 - this stuff lasts forever since you only use a few tablespoons per serving! I don't even keep track of the price of single serve bags, but I do know that the price of movie theater popcorn is astronomical!

Popcorn, by itself, is actually quite a healthy food. If you are going to nosh on a crunchy snack, ditch the chips and go for the corn! Popcorn is a whole grain (yep! - 100% unprocessed whole grains) and has lots of good dietary fiber. This means it will fill you up, help regulate your insulin and blood sugar levels, and help "move things along" in the bathroom. I ran across a story on popcorn a while back that pointed out that popcorn husks (those annoying shells that get stuck in your teeth) had relatively high levels of polyphenols - antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and have disease-fighting properties.

Here are the stats* on 3 cups of air-popped popcorn: 

Fat: 1g (all healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats)
Cholesterol: 0g
Carbohydrates: 18.7g (6% of the recommended value) and 3.5g fiber
Protein: 3.1g

* data compiled from multiple sites.

I've always loved popcorn, and used to opt for those pre-flavored 100-calorie microwave bags from the grocery store. I don't know about you, but those did not work for me. Not enough popcorn! Thus ensued my quest to make the perfect corn. I tried making it on the stove, in a pot, in a pan...but the perfect popcorn comes from the microwave in a plain, brown paper bag.

My husband *loves* this snack, as long as I'm not trying to sneak it into the theater in one-gallon Ziploc bags. It's really versatile (you can season it however you like), low in calories, and high in fiber!

It's so simple, I don't even need words to explain...but just in case...

Step 1: Pick out your kernels (plain and unprocessed!) and flavoring.
Step 2: Cover the bottom of the bag with a layer of popcorn seeds. Not all of them will pop, so add a little extra.
Step 3: Fold the top of the bag over twice. Pop in the microwave for 2 minutes.
Step 4: Add your flavors, close bag, and shake! Some of the seasoning may fall to the bottom while you eat, so keep shaking as you go.

You can add almost any seasoning to popcorn, but skip the butter and oil for a healthier option. Experiment with different herbs and spices and find what you like! Here are some of my favorite seasonings for popcorn: 

- My go-to: Cinnamon & Salt
- Parmesean Chese, Garlic Salt, and Oregano (if I'm feeling naughty)
- Hot Sauce!
- Chile powder - my husband's favorite
- Indian spiced: Cumin, Paprika, and Garam Masala

If you like your seasonings to stick a bit better, you can roll the kernels in 1-2 tsp of canola oil mixed with your seasonings before microwaving. Careful though! The oil will soak into the bag and be quite hot.

Next time you're ready to grab some chips, think about switching them out for a healthier, whole-grain option. :)

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