Friday, September 13, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: friday fun!

Ok, so my Friday isn't super fun. One of my classes had a test today, so it looks like I'll be grading this evening! At least this class is small. My class earlier this week was torturous time-consuming to grade...but look at what The Hubs brought me to help with my grading!

So this is how it all went down: I sent The Hubs to Aldi for some Greek yogurt and he brought me two hazelnut chocolate bars. (If you have not tried Aldi's $0.99 chocolate, then you have not lived. I mean seriously - it's a buck!) He comes home with his purchases, including two "meat sticks" for $0.89 each, set down his bags and says,

"I felt really bad for you earlier. I thought about buying you flowers, but I realized you would yell at me for spending $8. Here's some chocolate."
Music to my ears. I love that man. 

Besides repaying The Hubs for his kind gesture (don't be perverted, I'm making him bacon-wrapped shrimp), we will probably be staying in, watching a movie, and sharing a bottle of wine. Cheap wine, of course.

Update: change of plan! We will NOT be watching a movie! 

We will be watching every episode of Star Trek ever made. Thanks, Amazon Prime! I might even dress up in my Starfleet uniform to watch. Warning: I will completely nerd-out.

Live long and prosper!

- Maggie White

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