Sunday, September 8, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: sunday funday!

Today is a great day for some free fun, yard work, and delicious Salsa Verde Chicken!

We have had a busy weekend of clearing out our brush pile. It was exhausting but had to be done since the opossums that stroll through the neighborhood think it's a nice place to call home. Our Demon Dogs decided to pick a fight with a opossum on Friday night and lost. They had a blast (typical hound dogs) and walked away with a few nicks and bites.

The Beagle paradise. A fenced, half-acre of forest.

I'm pretty sure the neighbors think we're a bunch of rednecks. After all, our hounds were going bonkers, I was yelling for The Hubs to get my rifle (in case the opossum was severely injured) and a flash light, and screaming, "Get the opossum! Get the opossum!" Plus, today we had a good ol' fashioned bon fire in the yard. Yep. The neighbors must love us.

But seriously, the whole cut-and-burn-the-backyard brought out the inner pyromaniac in me. The Hubs was a little nervous, eying me like like I was Aerys Targaryen or something. I'm pretty sure he mumbled something about "The Mad King" under his breath.

Other than our back yard shenanigans, we had a rousing lazy day of watching movie. Our favorite movie was Rise of The Guardians. Yes - it's another kid's movie, but it was free to watch on TV and actually really good. I'm fairly certain that these animated flicks are really made for the adults that bring the kids to them, and not actually the children. I also forced The Hubs to watch Fiddler on the Roof. (A musical! Mua ha ha ha!)

We had an awesome time watching the Falcons game at Taco Mac with Gillybean and her new beau. Rise up! (That was a shameless plug to show The Hubs that I'm trying to care about football. In reality, he bribed me with pumpkin-flavored beer and cheese dip to watch the game with him.)

- Maggie White

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