Sunday, September 22, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: sunday funday!

The Hubs and I switched it up and went out for lunch today at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants - $5 Speedy Gonzalez lunch special? Yes please! I'm feeling a little spent-out since we ate at Studio Movie Grill last night, but we were both so tired from waking up at 6 am yesterday morning we just didn't care.

We did a little couponing at Publix ($2.97 for $15 in groceries) and then hit up The Hubs' favorite shopping destinations:

The store was mostly cleaned out, but The Hubs managed to get two really nice ties for $2.92 each (retail value $79.50 each). That's $6 for $159 worth of tie. He was quite pleased with himself!

Before watching the Falcons game, we did some work in the garden and finished off the second garden bed. I'll probably pick up the dirt for it tomorrow afternoon so my broccoli seedlings have a place to live!

'scuse the mess!
I also picked some veggies today. The first round of bush beans were ready to be picked (and eaten!) and I went ahead and plucked some peppers. It's been in the 70's overnight and my banana peppers and jalapenos are not loving it. What finicky, spoiled plants they are!

- Maggie White

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