Sunday, September 22, 2013

[ health ] :: week three of no fast food

Shame on me. 

My body was being super weird last week and did not remind me when I was hungry. I was on my way to go horseback riding on Thursday (around 3:30) when I started feeling really lightheaded and woozy. That's when I realized that I had only eaten a bagel-thin and light yogurt that morning and that I was hungry. I am so dumb.

Being pressed for time, I had no choice but to drive through the only "quick" restaurant in the area - McDonalds. Damn you, McD, and your triglyceride-laden satan food.

Now ask me if it was good.

Hell no, it was disgusting. But I forced myself to eat a McDouble and Value Fries so I wouldn't fall off of a horse and eat dirt later.

In other news, I finally bought a giant plastic water bottle from Walgreens (sale! $2.49) and will plan my meals out better this week. I've realized that it's hard for me to eat at the same time every day when my work schedule varies. Very difficult when some days I teach from 10 - 3 without a break!

Baby steps. I just have to remind myself that this is a learning experience.

- Maggie White

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