Wednesday, September 4, 2013

[ grocery ] :: the time I bought bread at Big Lots

Big Lots is the most marvelous store on the planet. I am not exaggerating.

I have been shopping there since I was a kid. My parents would go to check out any deals that week and would give me one whole dollar to buy anything I wanted. I usually got a few packs of beads to make necklaces, or if I was really smart I would talk my dad into getting me a $3 Barbie doll.

A few weeks ago my dad came to town for a conference and stayed with us, so what did we do? We went shopping at Big Lots, and Aldi, and Goodwill. It was magical. A true father-daughter bonding experience. He bought a rug and a shirt at Goodwill that my mom was not too thrilled about. It was awesome.

Now, I didn't shop at Big Lots on a regular basis before this. There is one about a mile from my house and for some reason The Hubs would not let me go inside. Probably because he knew I would go completely wild in there. And I have.

Wild over bagels.

You're looking at 6 bags of Bagel Thins and 2 bags of Sandwich Thins. Unfortunately, one of the bags was already half-eaten by The Hubs. (Gillybean calls him the Bear-Husband, due to the incredible amount of food he can make disappear.)

I've been considering buying bread from an outlet for some time. Stores send their overstock there, so you get fresh bread for a buck or two. Big Lots is even better! They have an entire shelf of Thomas Bagel Thins and Arnold Sandwich Thins. I used to buy these things at Publix when they would go on sale for $1.84 (regular price $3.69), so when I saw them at Big Lots for $1.60 for a bag of 8, I bought a bunch. Good thing they freeze well!

So here are the numbers: $1.60 per bag is $0.20 per serving. Add on toppings like cream cheese or peanut butter, and that's less than 30 cents for breakfast or a snack. The Hubs even likes them for his lunch sandwiches.

I wonder what other deals Big Lots will have in the future?

- Maggie White

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