Thursday, September 12, 2013

[ health ] :: the skinny on coconut water

Did y'all know I'm a big biology nerd? Like huge. Giant.

I used to have a blog where I shared my ideas on recent scientific articles, health trends, and answered fun questions about the amazing (and gross) things the human body can do. Well guess what? That gets boring after a while, and there is much more to me than my inner-nerd. Like my miserly ways. And my cheeky and fun shenanigans.

A while back, I did a blog review on an article from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, and is titled, 'Comparison of coconut water and a carbohydrate-electrolyte sport drink on measures of hydration and physical performance in exercise-trained men.' This intrigued me, because I am part of the 0.00001% of the world's population that actually likes plain, unsweetened coconut water. But it's so darn expensive! Why buy it when you can get Gatorade for $1-$2 less? 
So here's what I think.

To sum it up - what the study did:

Researchers tested the differences in rehydration between water, pure coconut water (VitaCoco brand), coconut water from concentrate, and a sports drink (probably nutritionally similar to Gatorade). They tested this on 12 well-conditioned men on four separate occasions (once per drink type). The research subjects walked/jogged on a tredmill for 60 minutes.

Hydration status (body mass, fluid retention, water content of the blood plasma, urine content) and exercise performance were measured. The researchers also questioned the subjects afterward regarding thirst, bloating, stomach upset, refreshment, and tiredness.

What the study found: 
There was not a significant difference in hydration status between drinking coconut water (concentrate and not from concentrate) and the sports drink. Nothing. Nada. Both, however, showed better fluid retention than pure water, probably due to their electrolyte content. Some of the subjects did report bloating after consuming the coconut water.

My opinions (and personal preference):

Overall, I don't have any criticisms or concerns pertaining the design of this study. The one thing that made me a bit skeptical was that the study was funded by the VitaCoco company; however, I think that the experimental design and results are sound and well thought out. One thing that I think is great about this study is that it promotes a more natural way to hydrate post-workout. Let's compare Gatorade sports drink and Zico coconut water (I had it with my breakfast today): 

Gatorade (Original, 8 oz. serving): 50 calories, 0 g fat, 100 mg sodium, 30 mg potassium, 14 g carbohydrates (14 g sugars), 0 g protein. Ingredients*: water, carbohydrates,  electrolytes, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, artificial and natural flavors.
* I will double check these ingredients as soon as I can get my hands on a more recent Gatorade bottle - not an ancient one from the bottom of The Hubs' golf bag.

Zico Coconut Water (8 oz. serving): 43 calories, 0 g fat, 39 mg sodium, 495 mg potassium, 11 g carbohydrates (10 g sugars), 0 g protein; additionally, small amounts of: 29 mg calcium, 12 mg phosphorus, 18 mg magnesium. Ingredients: natural coconut water. 
I prefer either water or coconut water before or after a workout, or for regular hydration. I haven't found a particular brand that I prefer, but I do tend to buy coconut water not from concentrate since it isn't as sweet-tasting. One thing that does sway my personal choice are the ingredients in each product - I would rather stick to a more natural choice.

But what about price? The last time I got VitaCoco on sale, it was $1.50 for 12 fl oz, while Powerade Zero was on sale for $0.24 for 32 fl oz.

This, my friends, is where I come to a crossroads. In the summer, when I am working out or horseback riding in 100 degree weather you can bet I'll be drinking some sort of electrolyte-rich drink. And since I would be going through 2-3 of them per week, I stick to the cheaper choice. However, if I can get my hands on some cheap coconut water, I will stock up on it because I like it.

What do you think?

- Maggie White

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