Sunday, September 15, 2013

[ health ] :: week two of no fast food

I'll be honest - this week was a little more difficult! There was one night this week where I did not want to cook, and I actually asked The Hubs to pick something up on the way home.

Lucky for me, he fussed at me for asking (he keeps me in check) and said he would make me breakfast for dinner. How can I refuse that? He makes the best eggs in the whole world, so we had bacon and an ungodly amount of watermelon with them.

I was naughty and picked up Subway for breakfast on Thursday, because I wanted something substantial before I went horseback riding. And then I was super-naughty and got myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks afterward. Holy crap, those things are almost $5 for a Grande! This will be my only Starbucks trip for a while. I did check my bank statements, and the last time I went there was 3 months ago...I wonder why? I guess I forgot how pricey those drinks are.

Sheesh! It is nice to allocate the extra budget money to something else, though. The Hubs has decided that it should go to a "Taco Mac Fund" because he freaking loves going there.

I think I still need to plan ahead better next week. I actually remembered to bring snacks with me this week, but I haven't gotten a travel bottle yet for my water. They're all so expensive! Like four whole dollars. I should just bite it and get myself one.

- Maggie White

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