Monday, September 30, 2013

[ health ] :: yucky yucky weather + migraines

Ok people - I don't know what kind of funny business my body is up to, but I had a migraine last Tuesday that knocked me off my feet for the afternoon and I've been catching up ever since! I haven't had one in almost three years, but when they do strike it's always related to the changing seasons in September/October. Something about the cool weather and bright sunshine makes my brain unhappy.

So, do I get the head-splitting type of migraine? No. I get the weird kind that causes me to see bright flashing lights, have holes in my vision, and get aphasia (mixing up my words and talking gibberish-gobbledy-gook) for an hour or two. They used to freak me out, but my neurologist explained that it's just another type of migraine that's a little less common.

I rarely get any sort of headache (when I do it's usually from muscle strain or dehydration), so when I started getting signs of a migraine I started frantically searching for any kind of aspirin. Of course we were out of all kinds of pain relievers in our house! Darn me and my aversion to medication...

So I threw on some sunglasses, zipped my lips, and drove my butt down the road to Publix to stock up on migraine supplies. I'm pretty sure the checkout guy thought I was stoned. Here's my survival kit:

I won't get all science-y on you, but it's thought that some migraine headaches are thought to be the result of sudden decreases in serotonin (a chemical in the brain that makes you feel happy), magnesium deficiency (an important dietary mineral), and even a temporary enlargement of the blood vessels surrounding the brain. So how do I treat my headaches? I am not a medical doctor and am not recommending these as a treatment, but research shows that they might work. And if you've ever head a migraine you know you'll do just about anything to make them go away.

When I went to the store the first thing I picked up was aspirin - the blood thinning effects of aspirin can help regulate blood flow during a migraine, especially if your blood vessels are acting wonky.

I also got Advil - ibuprofen and aspirin should not be taken together (ibuprofen diminishes the effects of aspirin), but I got it to take 6-8 hours later that night...and because I had run out! I paid $2 extra for the "Advil Migraine," which is the same darn thing as regular Advil, but is more soluble so it works much faster.

Diet Coke - while excessive amounts of caffeine can trigger a headache, a small amount may be beneficial since caffeine temporarily vasoconstricts (narrows) the blood vessels around the brain. This is my personal preference (and addiction).  

Hershey's Special Dark - chocolate releases serotonin that you may be lacking, and has just a little bit of caffeine. Migraines are an excellent excuse to eat chocolate. I ate two bars. 'Nuff said.

Pepitas - or pumpkin seeds, are an excellent source of magnesium. I've been munching on them every day (with 2 chewable aspirin) to help get my mineral balance back in order and hopefully prevent another episode.

Luckily, this fixed me up in time to go teach my evening class. My episode started around 2:30, and by 6:00 I was on the mend. Funny enough, I had 4 students late to class, only to tell me that they had migraines that day. I felt their pain.

- Maggie White

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