Monday, September 2, 2013

[ vacation ] :: visiting family on the cheap

This Labor Day weekend, we decided to go visit my parents' house at the lake. This is the perfect cheap vacation! All we have to pay for is gas, and it's close enough to use one tank round-trip. Every time we load our dogs into the car for the 2.5 hour trip, I think of what we are saving on:

- Lodging
- Food/Drinks
- Boarding (for the pups)
- Entertainment
...and the list goes on and on. Aren't parents great?

Here are some tips on visiting family:

1) Always pack your own snacks and drinks. It's far cheaper than buying them at a gas station, and much healthier. Bring a reusable water bottle or coffee cup and car-friendly snacks like roasted nuts, dried fruit, jerky, and apple slices. If you're really fancy you can pack PB&J sandwiches cut into quarters for easy eating in the car.

Snacks: $6.76 from Aldi

2) Pack a gift for the hostess! I brought my mom a jar of homemade blueberry preserves and some garden-fresh okra, and a 12-pack of Bud Light for my dad. Something small, gifted from the heart, is always better than spending tons of cash on a fancy present. And remember - never arrive at someone's home empty handed.

3) Bring an activity. Whether it's a group activity or a solo activity, it's not up to other people to entertain you 24/7. When my sisters and I get bored, we start itching to go out for sushi, a movie, or shopping. Can you say "expensive?" Last time we visited I brought a stack of books, some chewies for the dogs, and a few board games to play as a family.

LaSay: This is what happens when you steal my phone. Payback. :)
To be perfectly honest, even though we are at a lake we really don't do that much when we visit. We're not into fishing or water sports, so we stick to a motorboat ride or two, soaking in the hot tub, working puzzles, and reading books. Oh, and lots of eating and drinking.

I love the quality time I get to spend with my family. Since we aren't seeking out new adventures we really get a chance to talk and hang out. One of my favorite things to do is drink a glass of wine with my mom on the dock, then come inside and cook a big, delicious meal! Of course, while we do this, The Hubs and my dad are up to their usual shenanigans.

How did you spend your weekend?

- Maggie White

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