Thursday, October 3, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: fall festival + movie + more festival

Alrighty - so Gillybean, our friend (and horse show buddy) Heaphers*, and I were done showing around 2:30. Even though we were exhausted, Gillybean and I drank chugged a pot of coffee and gabbed about boys before I showered and met up with Heaphers at the Duluth Fall Festival.

I was skeptical that it would be fun, but holy cow - there was food, tons of vendors, a used book sale, awesome live music, more food, beer, and a carnival!

I found this little gem at the book sale...had to buy it. I love Judge Judy.

Heaphers and I split a funnel cake (The Hubs and I ate one on Sunday). Holy cow, they are amazing. Fried dough + sugar = heaven.

Finally, Heaphers and I got some delicious pumpkin craft beer. I was super excited! And looking super duper tired.

Yay beer! Our local growler store was selling beer in these little jugs and you could walk around with an open container for the festival. 24 oz of good beer for $6! My favorite craft beer of the weekend was the Abita Pecan.

As if that wasn't enough fun for the day, The Hubs and I met up at a taco place for a quick snack before going to see Don Jon at the movie theater. Disclaimer: no matter who you go see that movie with, it will be uncomfortable but very entertaining. Adults - Check out the plot synopsis before you head to the theater...I could imagine that this movie isn't for everyone. Even though the plot starts out a bit superficial, there is great (and unexpected) character development and sparked some interesting dialog between myself and The Hubs.

We woke up bright and early at 10:00 am on Sunday (I definitely needed the sleep!) and took our Demon Dogs to the festival with us. Y'all - people kept commenting on how good our dogs were (and how so-and-so's beagle is supposed to be lean like ours). Hah! We made the mistake of walking them through the food vending area and Norman almost imploded from all of the food smells. Seriously, he looked like his head would explode and he was sniffing everything so frantically that he was shaking. Emma walked around like a total pro (she can navigate a crowd and doesn't get overwhelmed), but poor Norm kept walking into people. It was kind of hilarious, but kind of sad...what a special dog he is!

The Hubs and I got even more beer and sat at the amphitheater and listened to music for a while with the dogs. The pups got a lot of attention from kids and Norman even got some corn on the cob from one lady.

We dropped the dogs back off at home and headed back to the carnival. For $20 we went on 3 rides. I usually don't go on rides, but I have to admit they were really fun! The Hubs had never been to a fair or carnival (in the U.S. at least, he went to one in Belgium but everyone knows European fairs are more classy and have tasty beer).

Like any manly man would do, The Hubs bought me a stuffed frog for $10. The carnival guy was totally skeezy and gross, and the frog had holes in it, but Norman loves that stinkin' thing.

"It's a frog pillow!" he says.
And then we ate funnel cake and deep fried oreos until I was going to barf. Worth it.

Duluth is pretty much the coolest little city. I was really impressed with the festival and we will definitely be going to other community events soon! They're pretty cheap and a ton of fun.

- Maggie White

*Sorry - that's your incognito name on my blog for now. :)

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