Friday, October 4, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: friday fun!

Alright people - if you live near Duluth then you have to check out Food Truck Friday. Why? They have a ring of food trucks, live music, a beer garden, and inflatable jumpy-houses (sadly, for kids only). We went yesterday and had a blast! It's about as expensive as going out for dinner and drinks (we spent about $30 on food, and $14 on 6 craft beers...that's actually a deal!) but a much better experience and we got to support local businesses.

The food was out of this world. First we split a crepe and salad.

The Hubs: What's a crepe?

Mags: It's like a French quesadilla.

The Hubs: Why would I want that?

Mags: It has all your favorite things...prosciutto, brie, caramelized onions, grain mustard, and arugula.

The Hubs: That sounds okay. [ as he high-tails it over to the food truck ]

I had him at prosciutto. This delicious crepe is 'The David' from The French Truck. If you ever see them around the Atlanta area, you have to check them out. As cheap as I am, I would pay $9 again for another favorite cafe of mine, you could expect to pay $12-$13 for this meal. I wish I took a picture of how fat this crepe was - every bite was loaded with the salty-goodness of the prosciutto and delicious creaminess of the melted brie.

Not pictured: the foodgasm that followed.

Then, I let The Hubs pick (he claims this first one was my pick), and he chose a burger truck called Mix Dup (I think that's how you spell it, I couldn't find them online). Holy cow. Their hand-formed 100% beef burgers were just $7 and came on a freshly baked brioche bun. We also got buffalo fries, which featured shoestring fries smothered in buffalo sauce and their chipotle-ranch dressing.

I chose the Rockin' Hero - a lamb burger with lettuce and tomato, smothered in tzatziki sauce. It was the BEST burger I have ever had outside of home. Amazing. Again, worth the money.

Let me blow this picture up real big so you can see all the delicious.
Overall, The Hubs and I were impressed by the quality of food at Food Truck Friday, as well as the live entertainment. There were people of all ages (we sat with a cute, but racist, lovey-dovey elderly couple and a family with young children) and even some hipsters. Yes, real life hipsters. That's how cool Duluth is.

Note: if you go, you must stop by Best of Brews and get a jug of "Midnight Train to Duluth," an amazing craft-brewed lager that they have made especially for them. They also have a vendor's tent in The Beer Garden. The Hubs got super excited over this. It was full of dads. The beer is $3 or $4, and fresh-made margaritas are $5 from Pure Taqueria.

If you lose your hubs, this is where he has gone. They also sell pie.
Enjoy! We're definitely going again, since they will have different trucks and entertainment. They had two guys playing guitar, and they covered everything from country to rock, and Avicii to Outkast (The Hubs was a fan of the 'Hey Ya!' cover).

I hope they have a movie on the town green again soon - free movie? Food trucks? Craft beer? Yes! Update: There is an art walk and a movie - Letters to Juliet. Think I can get The Hubs to go?

- Maggie White

P.S. - I'm sure we sound like a bunch of lushes, but The Hubs and I really don't drink that often. We just get overly excited over high-quality craft beer! The last time we had it, it around The Hubs' birthday in June.

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