Sunday, October 20, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: sunday funday!

Did anyone notice that I didn't post a "Sunday Funday" post last week? No? Me either.

We went to go visit my family at their lake house and didn't get home until late Sunday night. We lounged around all weekend and did absolutely nothing. It was heavenly.

But today? We're totally lame. Completely lame. I've been doing some more organizing in the upstairs of our house. The more I organize, the messier it gets! Ugh! I didn't realize how much crap we had until I pulled it all out and started sorting it. On the plus side, I did put together four bags of clothes to donate to Goodwill.

But look! There are shelves now. Still completely unorganized and kind of ugly, but there are shelves!

Yes, that is a dancing Caddy Shack gopher on top of the bookcase. And samauri swords. *sigh* Boys. And we made a makeshift bed in The Hubs' office for when family members get drunk and can't drive home visit.

Woot! Now I just have to prettify it all. We're having houseguests twice and hosting three parties in November and December. Lord have mercy. "Freaking out" does not begin to cover it!

Other than that, I made one of my favorite dinners - Corn & Chicken Chili (adapted from Skinny Taste). Oh, and the in-laws came over and brought beer and pizza. My second dinner was almost as good as the first. Hah!

- Maggie White

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