Thursday, October 17, 2013

[ grocery ] :: kroger broke my heart

Oh, Kroger. We need to talk.

Really, it's not you, it's me. I am really hurt that you stopped doubling* my coupons, even though I had my Kroger Plus card and my coupons were for $0.50 or less, just like your coupon policy states.

Kroger, when I called the store manager, he said that all Kroger stores in our area stopped doubling coupons. It made my heart sad.

That's it. I've broken up with you, Kroger.

Ok, maybe not completely. Kroger has good sales on fruits and veggies sometimes, and occasionally I get a great deal on Manager's Special meats. But other than that? I probably won't be using coupons unless the deal is great without the double coupons.

This isn't the only thing that happened to me at Kroger this week. I stopped by after work, so I was dressed very nicely. I'll paint a picture for you: black wool trousers, ivory silk blouse under an open ivory sweater, garnet earrings, Tory Burch reva flats, and my Kate Spade handbag. I looked good, y'all. And professional. And apparently I looked expensive.

So, the cashier scans my items and asks if I have my store card. I smile politely, hand her my card (I already have it in my hand to expedite the checkout process), and say, "I have these, too" as I hand her my stack of 10 coupons.

This woman looked me up-and-down, and said,

"You don't look like you need to use coupons."

Guys - if she hadn't have snarled as she said those words then it wouldn't be of any consequence to me, but it took me aback. She scanned my coups (which didn't double, but I didn't say a word), and I ran out to my car.

Naturally, I played the scene over and over again in my head. If I was just a tiny bit quicker on the uptake, I would have informed her, in the nicest way possible, that the reason why I don't look like I need to use coupons, is because I use coupons. I save money where I can so The Hubs and I can afford nice things. And even when we purchase nice things, I have some sort of discount or coupon for them, too!

And if she had taken more time to really look me up-and-down, she would have noticed that my Tory Burch flats have a patched hole in the heel and have been resoled two times; I got them on sale years ago and haven't been able to afford a new pair, so I keep taking them to the cobbler to be repaired. If she had asked me about what I was wearing, instead of jumping to conclusions, I would have told her that my clothes were from the Talbots outlet and Goodwill. And that expensive Kate Spade bag? 75% off sale at an outlet with a gift card...not expensive for me at all.

That ends my rant for the day. I want the "take home message" to be this: don't judge people based on how they look. You have absolutely no idea where they come from, or what they do. What do you think?

- Maggie White

* If you have no idea what I'm talking about - many grocery stores will "double" the value of a coupon if it is $0.50 or less. For example, if you are buying a $1 bottle of dish soap and have a $0.50 off coupon for it, you get $0.50 off from the coupon manufacturer plus $0.50 off from the store...making it FREE! Now you know why I'm saddened by this.

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