Saturday, October 19, 2013

[ grocery ] :: the week in review

Geeze, I spent a lot this week. Especially on dog food - the Demon Dogs are eating us out of house and home. They eat 4-5 cups of food per day plus a serving (or two) of fruits or veggies. I usually save veggie scraps for them, like leftover baby carrots, broccoli stems, and mushy apples (their favorite).

We did a lot of grocery shopping! I went to Publix twice - the first time on Wednesday to pick up a few items, then again on Thursday for the first day of the weekly sale. I needed more baking soda for cleaning the grout in my kitchen, and they were out of the big boxes. Grocery: $17.02. Retail: $59.51. Home Supplies: $17.66. Retail: $29.66. Personal Care (medicine): $0.50. Retail: $7.00.

Did you know that it is impossible to spend less than $50 at Target? I had a bunch of coupons for dog food that expired on the 17th, but no deals for them. I had a $5 off coupon from Target that was good when you buy two Purina products, so I took the opportunity to go ahead and stock up on dog food. The Hubs requested travel toothpaste and gel insoles for his shoes, so I picked those up, too. Grocery: $1.50. Retail: $8.07. Hubs Supplies: $6.46. Retail: $10.46. Pet Supplies: $41.77. Retail: $54.77.

Oh geeze, I forgot that I sent The Hubs to Aldi.Grocery: $24.78. I think some Italian food will be on the menu this week!

Finally, Kroger. They stopped doubling coupons, so I didn't get a great deal. However, I was almost out of dish soap and it never hurts to have spare toothpaste. If my coupons had doubled, everything in the picture would have totaled $4.40 and retailed for over $16. Personal Care: $1.00. Retail: $3.98.  Home Supplies: $4.00 Retail: $8.34. Grocery: $4.56. Retail: $7.09. (Not pictured: yellow squash).

Grocery: $47.86 We'll be eating freezer meat for a while!
Personal Care: $1.50
Home Supplies: $21.66 I have enough laundry detergent to last for 5-6 months.
Hubs Supplies: $6.46
Pet Supplies: $41.77 This should keep the pups fed until January.

You know what the best thing is about stocking up on dog food? No more midnight trips to WalMart when we realize we've run out of food! 

- Maggie White

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