Wednesday, October 9, 2013

[ home ] :: pantry

I have a saying: "You can take the girl out of the lab, but you can't take the lab out of the girl." One of the jobs I took on when I worked in a research laboratory was organizing chemicals - first by type of chemical and hazard level, then by name...keeping liquids and solids separate. Confession: I loved it.

So, I might have some obsessive tendencies, such as organizing my pantry like a complete freak. It's gotten so bad that when family and friends come over to my house, they look inside of my pantry...just to see if it is still organized. It's a sight to behold. (Note: I hastily put away groceries tonight, so it looks scary at the moment). I digress, I just had to share it on my blog. :)

So neat, so square! We keep soups/broths on top, and snacks in the bins.

I discovered chalkboard labels last year and they have made their way into every facet of my life. Luckily, I haven't gone full-on lab-nerd (yet) with my labeling. I just kind of stuck things where they fit. I did, however use chemical symbols for some dry goods (NaCl - table salt; C6H12O6 - sugar).

I got my plastic bins from WalMart on sale for $15 per set, or $2 each (see here), and my chalkboard stickers (here) and door racks (here) from Amazon. I love the extra space I get from the racks!

- Maggie White

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