Wednesday, October 23, 2013

[ misc ] :: happy dateaversery, The Hubs!

Time flies...I can't believe that I've been "dating" The Hubs for eight years. Yep, we still date each other. :)

What's a little sad about this is that we can't actually remember when we started dating. We just picked a date on the calendar that seemed right-ish. We met during college...I think in September (?)...and were pretty much inseparable ever since.

"But wait," you say, "there must be a way to figure out when The Hubs took you out on your first real date."

Well, no. Because we didn't have a first real date. The Hubs didn't pick me up from my apartment. There was no dressing up. No door opening. I think we went Dutch. The Hubs took me to Waffle House on our first outing as a couple, and I honestly have no idea when that was.

So, yeah. About eight years ago I met my best friend - my smelly, hairy, husbandbeast.

- Maggie White

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