Monday, October 14, 2013

[ misc ] :: inside my purse...

*sigh* I resisted doing this for the longest time, but it seems that the "cool" thing to do nowadays on your blog is to dump out the contents of your purse and take a picture of it. 

Hah. That is so not happening. 

So besides my wallet, a thumb drive, laser pointer, and a boatload of Expo markers, this is what you can find:

I stole this picture from my previous blog. Hooray recycling!

1: Essie nail polish. Confession - I am a recovering nail-biting addict. It's a nasty habit that got worse when I was in grad school, so I started painting my nails to discourage the biting. Essie nail polish is pricey ($7/bottle), so I hoard all of the bottles I get as presents. My favorite colors are 'mademoiselle' (top) and 'eternal optimist' (bottom).

2: A planner. Yep. I'm old school. I write in a planner, with a pen, and even highlight things to keep them organized. I know, I know. I'm stuck in the stone age.

3: Logic puzzles. I got this little book of puzzles from my local book store in the clearance bin, and there are many options like it online as well. Whenever I have some spare time at work or at home, I pull out this little book (instead of my iPhone) and give my cerebrum a workout.

4: Exercise bands. Love these! I used to carry resistance bands all the darn time, but I've started carrying them again to stretch out my bum left ankle. (similar: Valeo Stretch Bands)

5: An apple. Remember when I gave up fast food? I started carrying apples and nuts as a snack. Fuji apples are my favorite - they are sweet, and always crisp and juicy. Does this finally explain why I've been buying pounds upon pounds of apples?

6: Almonds. Darn, I know, these things are expensive. I get the pre-packaged ones from Aldi for $1.99/box. These are my all-time favorite snack, and are a great way to tide myself over between meals.

7: POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice: I have been trying my darndest to carry around some type of beverage with me since I gave up drive-through food.I found POM coupons, I bought POM. Yay.

- Maggie White

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