Saturday, November 2, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: i done lost my damn mind again

Whew! I'm posting about Friday's activities on Saturday. I bet you're thinking, "I bet she had one wild and crazy night!" Well, I did. What's my idea of Friday fun, you ask?

Painting touch-ups and cleaning grout. Until 4:00 am. The Hubs played his new Assassin's Creed video game and I happily sang along to music and drank way-too-much coffee while I played Cinderella with a toothbrush and my grout.

Left: cleaned with baking soda
Right: recolored and sealed grout

Why the hell did I ever start cleaning it? I should have just left it dirty. My next project is resealing it, and then I'll take my handy dandy toothbrush to my window sills. 

In other news: one year and nine months later, the chalkboard in my kitchen is complete. Hah! I also painted the trim in the kitchen, hallway, and dining room since I don't think I ever completely finished painting it! There were little slivers of the old orange (yes, Auburn orange) and red (yes, bright red) paint showing so I bit the bullet and repainted it all.

Teeny tiny awkward wall?
Now it's a chalkboard!

I am also itching to repaint the half-bath vanity downstairs. Lord, have mercy.

The vanity is navy-ish-gray. Hmm...
I finally admit it - I'm nuts.

- Maggie White

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