Saturday, November 2, 2013

[ grocery ] :: the week in review

Ok, I'm busted. I didn't post my grocery trips from last week! They weren't spectacular, but I was feeling really spent-out from revamping the house for the holidays. We have four potential houseguests and I had to make up a new guest room (see this post about my crazy organizing day). I seriously need to learn to take better pictures of my house.

Anyway, I only made two trips to Publix this week, and one trip to Aldi this morning. My first trip to Publix gave me heart palpatations: I spent over $50 on groceries, Halloween candy, cleaning supplies, and (more) dog food. I'm glad I've stocked up on kibble for the Demon Dogs since they are eating more now that the weather has gotten colder. I also stocked up on frozen meatballs for a party I'm hosting in December. Not shown in the picture below: 15 lbs of Purina ONE, 2 big boxes of baking soda, 3 giant bags of candy, and 2 large containers of Arm & Hammer detergent. Grocery: $9.11. Retail: $17.81. Personal Care: $5.17. Retail: $17.35. Home Supplies: $7.49. Retail: $20.88. Pet Supplies: $17.49. Retail: $25.99. Halloween Candy: $11.28. Retail: $19.17.

Second trip to Publix: just $8.40 on groceries, including evaporated milk, penny-item peanut butter, canned soups, and Campbell's Slow Cooker Sauce. Holy cow - have you tried this stuff? It's a new product, so I've only been paying $0-$1.50 for it (normally $2.50-2.99) and it is fantastic. You throw some meat in the crock pot, dump the sauce on top, and in 4-6 hours you have a meal...and it's pretty low-calorie. We tried the Moroccan chicken one and it was only 35 calories per serving of sauce. It is actually one of the few pre-packaged products that I would buy again at full price. Grocery: $8.40. Retail: $24.30.

Can you believe this costs $25 without coupons?

I wasn't going to go to Aldi, but they had an awesome deal on chicken and potatoes. The Hubs is fed up with my vegetarian meals, so I got the poor man some chicken. I picked up some more items for the party in December, since they were on sale and don't expire until well into next year. Not shown: milk, 5 lbs of chicken, a pork tenderloin, and a massive bag of potatoes. There are a bunch of acorn squash hiding in the background, too! Grocery: $48.22.

Grocery: $65.73 ($25 of which are in party supplies)
Personal Care: $5.17
Home Supplies: $7.49
Pet Supplies: $17.49

- Maggie White

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