Tuesday, November 26, 2013

[ home ] :: staging your home for the holidays

Whenever we have guests to our house, I have a little routine that I like to do in order to get my house super-spiffy looking. It helps to have your house clean before people arrive, especially the rooms that people will see. I thought I would share this list of little things you can do to make your house more inviting (and look better) in just a few minutes!

Sitting room side table.

1) Aside from general cleanliness, your house should smell good. This does not mean coating everything in a shower of Febreze! Don't get me wrong - I love that stuff, but sometimes it will mask a bad odor and will fade over time. Before guests arrive, shove a dryer sheet into your throw pillows, under the sofa, and in-between cushions to keep your upholstery and linens smelling fresh.

Another great idea is to turn on the oven to its lowest setting and place a pan filled with water and lemon oil (or sliced lemons) inside. It acts like a giant diffuser and will leave your kitchen smelling fresh.

2) Set the ambiance! I furiously run through my house lighting candles and flipping on LED tea lights to make everything feel warmer (and smell better).

Adjust the lighting depending on your guest activities. Want your house to feel clean and fresh? Turn on every darn light in the house to make it feel crisp and spacious. Want the mood to be more subdued and cozy? Prepare your fireplace and dim the lights.

Bedroom - I swear that our lamp isn't that bright.

3) Last minute cleaning - everyone does this (I hope). I can tell you from my personal experience, the #1 dirty thing I notice are reflective surfaces in someone's home. Grab some Windex and give everything that is smooth and shiny a good wipe down - this means mirrors, windows, decorative glass, and appliances. I always clean off the "nose art" that the Demon Dogs make on the windows.

Guest room after a good cleaning.

4) Add something organic on display, like fresh flowers, a house plant, or fruit. I have been known to run outside and pick a "bouquet" of rainbow Swiss Chard or shrub trimmings as decoration. In the summer, I almost always have a bunch of cut herbs in my kitchen as decoration. There is something about a living object that makes a space feel classy and multi-dimensional. If you don't have flowers handy, clip a few branches from a tree with pretty leaves to make some "modern art."

Breakfast room table with lots of snacks and wax pumpkins.

Happy Thanksgiving!

- Maggie White

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