Monday, December 9, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: atlanta zoo in the winter

The Hubs and I took a trip to the Atlanta Zoo before Thanksgiving (I know, I know, it's been a while). We had a Groupon and had been putting it off for months because we just didn't have a good weekend to go. I finally gave The Hubs an ultimatum: take me to the zoo, or lose me forever.

Just kidding. We just had to use it before the end of the year.

Let me give you a piece of advice: zoo animals do not like being outside on display when it is 40 degrees outside. Many of the carnivores were inside, and the Giant Pandas decided to pass out and turn Sunday afternoon into a snooze-fest. Fortunately, these warthogs were polite enough to nap where we could see them.

We got to see many of the other animals. All of the birds were out, but it was hard to snap a picture of them. I had to zoom way in (and lean over the railing) to snap a picture of the flamingos. 

The meerkats were adorable! One was the "lookout" while the other meerkats snoozed together in a big pile. The one on the right kept giving me the stink-eye. So judgmental.

The Hubs gave me permission to plaster this all over the internet. A lot of people don't know it, but he is a big goof.  Rawr. I'm pretty sure he started singing "Hakuna Matata" after this.

I had never seen this animal before - the bongo. They were pretty cool looking! 

The reptile house was neat as well. Many of the snakes were easy to see, although they were not doing a whole lot of anything. These particular snakes were snuggling, much to the bottom snake's chagrin.

Finally, my favorite part of the entire zoo...goats! Needless to say, I was the only adult there without a child, and The Hubs had to follow me around as I gave each goat some lovin'. They each got a neck and shoulder massage. I think they appreciated it.

I am not a real adult.

I am really hoping that there is another Groupon for the zoo this spring. I would like to go back to see all of the animals that we missed, like the lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). [couldn't resist]

- Maggie White

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