Tuesday, December 10, 2013

[ home ] :: trash picture update

Remember this picture I got out of my neighbor's trash?

Well, I bought a frame and mat off of Amazon, hung it on the wall, and it looks fabulous. It's a great conversation starter, although The Hubs is still questioning my sanity a little bit.

For one, he is nervous about our neighborhood progressive dinner this coming weekend. Here is how the dinner plays out in his mind...

The Neighbor: Hey! That looks familiar. I used to have that exact same picture at my house, but I threw it away.

[The Hubs shrinks away in embarrassment.]

Mags: Yeah, I took it out of your garbage!

[The Hubs is mortified, and The Neighbor looks at me like I have scabies.]

I think our neighbors will be like, "Oh damn, I wish I got a fabulous free garbage picture!" and envy us. Or not.

What do you think? Fabulous, or freaking gross?

- Maggie White

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