Friday, January 24, 2014

[ entertainment ] :: birthday on the cheap

Woot! It's my birthday, people! I'm not doing anything spectacular today, although there are activities you can do like go to the Georgia Aquarium for free.

Before I get too sloppy from my Merlot, I'll give you an idea of what I've been up to. I'm keeping it more low-key today. First off - I went to the gym to get my fitness on. I figure I'm getting older...I may as well workout. Sad news is that I only had time for a 20 minute workout before...

...lunch date with The Hubs! I picked him up and we used a (free) $15 certificate to Ruby Tuesday. It was freaking awesome - I love that place, and the certificate covered everything but $7. We also hit up Starbucks since I got a free drink (or food item), plus I had a $10 eGift Card that I originally bought off Groupon for $5.

Y'all - I made a big mistake at Fourbucks Starbucks. Did you know that when you sign up for their birthday rewards program you can get just about any food or drink item? Even a $7 chicken caesar salad is covered. I opted for a blueberry muffin ($2.25) and a grande caramel light Frappuccino. The Hubs thought I was nuts for ordering a cold drink since it's been below freezing all day. But guys - the stomach wants what the stomach wants. And my tummy wanted a Frappuccino. If I was smart, I would have gotten a venti with an extra shot of something really expensive. *sigh* There's always next year.

So, I'm going to wrap up this blog post with an adorable picture of my demon-dogs:

They both hopped up on my side of the bed. Emma stole the heating pad I've been using
on my hurt back. They made this face like, "oh yeah, mom, this is
soooo *yawn* should really try it."

And later I'll post a picture of whatever thing The Hubs decides to cook me. That man hardly ever cooks, but when he does...holy's good. Although, he just called me and asked me to list out every. single. ingredient. in our cupboard and pantry, so I'm a little worried.

Enjoy your Friday, y'all!

Update: I completely forgot to take pictures of the dinner The Hubs made. He brought me brie and prosciutto as an appetizer, and made filets, broccoli, and prosciutto-wrapped asparagus (my favorite!) on the grill. Let's just say that I inhaled my food in about 2.5 minutes...

- Maggie White

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