Sunday, January 26, 2014

[ grocery ] :: the week in review

Yet another uneventful week of shopping at the store! The Hubs was traveling this week, so aside from a few stock-up items at the store I bought just a few things.

My first trip was to Kroger to grab some spinach, kale, two cans of tomato soup and a few drinks to go with my snacks (not all are shown, but there were 10 total). And guess what? No coupons this time! This is pretty much what I ate all week. Grocery: $18.78. Retail: $24.64.

Publix had some pretty good deals on Splenda (The Hubs loves it), toothpaste, olive oil (we were out), and shampoo/conditioner. Grocery: $4.14. Retail: $16.27. Personal Care: $2.03. Retail: $8.59.

Here's the damage:
Grocery: $22.92
Personal Care: $2.03

- Maggie White

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