Tuesday, January 28, 2014

happy snow day!

Hey y'all - it really snowed this time! We got a whole 2 inches of snow here in Georgia. Unbelievable.

About 4:00 this afternoon. The road is now totally covered in ice.

Luckily, The Hubs and I made it home before the roads began closing and traffic got awful. People cannot drive here. At all. Combine that with the fact that the roads ice over, and it's a recipe for disaster!

I made a quick trip to the grocery store to grab a few things (note to self: do not go to the store on a snow day) and threw together some chicken tortilla soup for dinner. I spent my afternoon taking adorable pictures of the dogs in the snow...

The Demon Dogs have a love/hate relationship with the snow. They either look at me like I'm abusing them (because they're so cold in their polar-fleece coats), or they get all frisky and run around like crazy animals. Emma likes to submerge her nose in the snow and sniff around, while Norman prefers to eat it. Weirdo.

He can't stand still in the snow. Way too exciting. Their new favorite game involves me throwing treats
into the snow...they "disappear" and the dogs have to dig them out.

...then I sat down to grade 64 tests. Bleh! Norman decided to "help" me out:

Now, here's a dilemma - the Demon Dogs will not go potty in the snow. I have no clue why. Any advice? Their little bladders-of-steel are going to give up soon, and I don't want to clean up pee. Help!

Enjoy your snow day, and stay warm! :)

- Maggie White

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