Wednesday, January 22, 2014

[ health ] :: new gym!

Ok y'all - after months of deliberation, I finally decided on a new gym! I want to share my overall experience just in case someone stumbles across my blog and is thinking about finding a gym.

My old gym and I had problems. Poor management, bad accounting, and breach of contract. They eventually closed in November and kept on billing me. After a month of playing phone tag with their national management office they stopped billing my credit card. But will they allow me to cancel my membership? Nope. Totally sketchy.

So, was I scared to join a new gym? You betcha.

One thing I learned when The Hubs and I were shopping for a security-monitoring company for our house was this: companies that don't have a one- or two-year contract and charge their customers month-to-month are good enough that they don't have to lock you in a contract to keep your business. That is what I was looking for in a gym. That, and the ability to cancel the membership at any time.

I had a few other criteria - lockers; busy, but not too packed; no assholes; a rowing machine. I swung by Planet Fitness on Monday and they met all but one criterion - no rowing machine. Sad. :( And there was one asshole by the free weights...but only one...apparently he needed to help me understand what the difference between a "bicep" and a "tricep" was. Needless to say, he got schooled. Note to gym assholes: don't lecture an anatomy instructor on muscle anatomy. There are jerks at every gym, and I was impressed that there was only one know-it-all meat head.

But, besides the lack of rowing and the one asshole, they do offer a month-to-month membership. I was pleased enough with my experience that I chose a 1 year membership (it was cheaper anyway). I have yet to do their "30-Minute Circuit" or do any of their small-group personal training, but I'll try it soon. I hope I get in a group with two of the blue-haired old ladies that were kicking butt on the stair-steppers.

Woot! Now I just have to get The Hubs in there.

- Maggie White

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