Monday, January 6, 2014

[ recipe ] :: stupid easy baked apples

I have a surplus of apples at the moment. I originally planned on making some apple preserves and dried apple chips, but I'm just too darn lazy to do it. So what's a gal to do with 15 pounds of apples? Bake them!

This recipe is super simple, and is one of The Hubs' favorite desserts. The apples are cored, topped with Splenda and cinnamon, and baked until the juices begin to run. The result is an absolutely delicious piece of apple-pie filling. The best part about this recipe is that it's under 100 calories but tastes completely naughty. Yum!


A firm apple
Splenda (to taste)
Cinnamon (to taste)


Split the apple in half and scoop out the core and seeds. Put the apple in a small ramekin or oven safe dish and sprinkle Splenda and cinnamon on top.  Bake in a 400 degree oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the apple becomes soft and its juices begin to run.

For variety, try half of an apple over vanilla ice cream (yummy!) or chop the apple up into smaller pieces and top with a square of puff pastry dough before baking. Oddly enough, these baked apples are a wonderful accompaniment to roasted pork tenderloin. Use your imagination!

Update: this is also delicious with pears (topped with chopped walnuts) and peaches (served with granola crumbles on top). Use whatever you've got!

- Maggie White

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