Friday, March 28, 2014

stuck in bed + book review

Oh man, I have had a rough day today. I picked up a horrible stomach virus and have been in bed since last night. Thankfully, The Hubs did a great job of taking care of me and making sure I stayed hydrated. He even stepped in my place and took my sister, LaSaySay, to Waffle House for lunch.

I have been itching to garden and clean today but I can't. I've watched TV, perused the internet, read books...and by mid-afternoon I was just bored. My boredom, combined with the fact that I haven't been able to eat or drink anything in 24 hours, is making me quite the unpleasant person...

Thankfully, I ordered two new books yesterday and one of them arrived today (Amazon Prime shipping is amazing like that!) so I have some entertainment.

Reading about gardening is almost as good as actual gardening, and The Weekend Homesteader is giving me lots of naughty ideas for the turning the entire thing into one big edible garden. This book is full of great ideas for both new and experienced gardeners, and does a wonderful job of explaining how you can utilize the space you have (no matter how little or how great it is). It breaks down how to plan your homestead (or simple garden) month-by-month so you aren't overwhelmed.

- Maggie White

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