Monday, March 24, 2014

the break is over!

Uh...has it really been 10 days since I blogged? Really? Here's what happened...

First - Spring Break. I didn't have work (yay!) but it was full of drama (boo!). Somehow it flew by way too fast and I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do. However, I did get to visit with my mom and sister, rest up a bit, and go horseback riding a lot.

At the end of Spring Break, I competed in a horse show. I'll be honest - it did not go as well as I expected, and there was a torrential rainstorm on Sunday so I had to scratch all of my classes. Whoever says that horseback riding is easy is a freaking liar...the toughest part about competing is being partnered with a 1200 pound animal that makes its own decisions. On the bright side, I learned a lot and I beat people! I placed in all of my classes and got 5th out of 11 in Showmanship, a class I have never shown in before. And the horse I rode is stinkin' adorable.

So usual. I was so happy to be back in my normal routine! One big change, however, is that The Hubs is "working from home" now. I say that in quotes, because at the moment he is on vacation and the only "work" he is doing is setting up his new office, visiting friends, and playing video games. You know, grown-up stuff. It's pretty fun so far, and definitely interesting as we form a new routine together at home.

He, however, decided we should make peanut butter at home. So we got 25 pounds of peanuts. Holy cow.

Now that I'm busy cooking, gardening, and getting into shenanigans, I have a lot more to share on here! Glad to be back. :)

- Maggie White

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