Tuesday, March 25, 2014

[ garden ] :: march updates

So I disappeared for a while and I don't have much to report, besides what I've been up to in the garden. Here's a little sneak-peek of some posts to come...

The seeds I started indoors in February are looking great and are in desperate need of larger containers. For now, they are content under their grow lights indoors.

The garden beds are going over a big makeover this Spring. After some pitiful harvests this fall and winter, I decided to test the soil...boy, was I surprised!

The Demon Dogs are being "helpers" outside...which means that I finally caved and installed a small wire fence around the vegetable garden.

The Hubs came up with a project for me (hint: it involves peanuts) and I got a little crafty inside.

I love watching the plants "wake up" in early Spring. The herbs are growing again and the radishes I planted a few weeks ago are growing at an incredible rate! Maybe today I will plant a few more.

Finally - a new way to eat chili. I had a night to myself and made a giant bowl of Chili Mac...oh my gosh, it was incredible. I will never eat plain old spaghetti bolognese again!

- Maggie White

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