Thursday, January 9, 2014

[ daily deals ] :: oliver gal art prints at zulily

It's been a while since I've posted a daily deal, but I haven't found anything lately that gets me super-duper excited. Until I saw these: they retail for $169 each, but are on Zulily today for just $19.99! Each print is 13" x 19".

Some of my favorites:

Look familiar?|1389277458513|1389277468688|1389277471191
Holy art print, Batman!|1389277520683|1389277796811
I think this would be The Hubs' favorite.

I kind of flipped out a little bit when I saw the U.S.S. Enterprise print...and the canning jars...and the microscope...and the horseshoe...there are even prints featuring Batman and Legos. Could this be any more "me?"

If you haven't signed up for Zulily, do yourself a favor and make an account. They have great deals on children's clothing and toys, but also include fun things for moms! I don't have children, but I do like searching their sales for gifts and women's clothing. Sign up for a free account here.

- Maggie White

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