Thursday, January 9, 2014

[ recipe ] :: stupid easy slow cooker green chicken

My schedule this semester is insane and has me teaching until all hours of the night. I spontaneously came up with this dish out our utter desperation one day when I realized I lacked the ingredients for one of my go-to recipes, but needed to put dinner in the slow cooker STAT, or The Hubs would starve. Heaven forbid.

This is another one of my "stupid easy" recipes since it has just four ingredients and can be thrown together in a matter of minutes. Set it and forget it!

I wish I could get a picture that would accurately reflect how freaking delicious this meal is, but slow cooker meals are notoriously mushy and just look gross on camera. Trust me when I say that this stuff is amazeballs.


2 lbs fresh chicken breasts
16 oz bag of frozen spinach
10 oz can of low fat condensed cream of chicken soup
1 packet of Italian seasoning (preferably low salt)


Place chicken breasts in slow cooker and sprinkle with Italian seasoning. Dump spinach and soup on top, stir gently to combine. Cook on LOW for 6 hours, or HIGH for 4 hours. Shred chicken with a fork and stir just before serving. Serves 4.

This dish is chock-full of veggies, and would be delicious with mushrooms or red peppers added to the mix. The Hubs likes it served over brown rice with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese on top. Note: I got the ingredients on sale (chicken: $1.49/lb from Aldi) and I calculate that this meal is about $1.25 per serving when you shop economically, $2.50 per serving if you buy everything when it isn't on sale.


- Maggie White

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