Saturday, January 11, 2014

[ entertainment ] :: a cheap day date + brewery tour

The Hubs and I went on a morning/lunch date today and it was super fun! We met up with some friends and cashed in our Amazon Local deal for a beer tasting and brewery tour at Red Brick Brewery in Atlanta. This deal was $15 for two people and included a tour of the brewery, a tasting of four beers, two pint glasses, and two koozies.

We got to sample three beers: Hoplanta, Laughing Skull, and Sacred Cow (my favorite). When you go on the tasting and tour, you get a pint glass and four tickets for beer. As you go to the bar, one of the employees gives you a half-pint pour of the beer of your choice. It doesn't seem like much beer, but trust me when I say that it's plenty.

We went to the 11:00 tasting and there weren't too many people (it was pouring this morning), but later in the afternoon people started streaming in until the place was packed! There was a lot to do too, like cornhole and ping pong.

The tour was pretty neat, and the brewery was surprisingly smaller than I thought it would be. By the end, I was fairly convinced that The Hubs and I could brew our own beer at home - and I think we'll give it a try!

Afterward, we went out to eat at a little restaurant around the corner called Hankook Taqueria. They specialize in Korean tacos. Holy cow, it was delicious. From the outside, it wasn't much to see - no frills, no fancy decor. But the food was incredible and cheap. The Hubs and I pigged out and had three tacos each and split an order of pork dumplings. I wish I had pictures but the food didn't last long enough to snap one.

I used to live about a mile away from this restaurant and I'm almost thankful that I never knew about it before. I would be super duper fat from gorging myself on their food. Next time you're in the area you should check it out!

- Maggie White

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