Wednesday, August 28, 2013

[ gardening ] :: a close-up tour

I am obsessed with my garden.

So obsessed, that I will go out, iPhone in hand, and take pictures. Then I go inside (where the lighting is better) and Instagram them. All of them. Half of my friends hate me.

But I can't help it! There is just so much beauty outside if you look close enough. Here are a few of my favorites from this past summer.

Coreopsis thrives in the Georgia heat.

The daylilies did quite well this year.

Can you believe an iPhone took this detailed shot?

Okra flower. Check out that pollen!

Petunias look so delicate but they're tough little flowers!

Tomatoes and lemon thyme.

I took hundreds of photos and had to cull it down to just a few. Can you tell that I like taking pictures of flowers? I love being able to see the different textures of the flower, and especially the detail in the pollen granules. The Hubs jokingly calls this flower porn (biology joke!). I have an inkling that I'll be doing more amateur iPhone photography this fall!

- Maggie White

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