Sunday, September 1, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: a $50 excursion

A few weeks ago, I went to the Georgia Aquarium with my gal-pal, Gillybean. Did you know that the GA Aquarium gives you a free ticket on your birthday? Well, Gillybean did and she asked me to go.

I know this is supposed to be a blog about my cheap ways, but darn it, I love fish.

No, seriously. I was a freshwater aquarium hobbyist for many years, so if you tell me there will be fish involved, I am so there. Plus, who can refuse a trip to the world's largest aquarium? There are also tons of other sea creatures, like beluga whales, sea otters, and a dolphin show! It was amazing! I hadn't been in years so the exhibits had been updated and I had a blast.

The only downside? It cost me fifty bucks to go, including astronomically-priced parking and a snack consisting of horrible $3 coffee. (Don't worry, thrifty kids, I sneaked a bag of mixed nuts and chocolate-covered pretzels as a snack. And ate part of Gillybean's lunch.) My favorite part of the whole day was getting to take pictures of all of the different animals guessed it...Instagram-ing it all. Luckily, my Instagram buddies loved the fish pictures!

Here are a few of my favorites that totally made the $50 worth it!

The last time I was there I did not go to the Dolphin Show. Let me tell you - you have to go to the show. We were in the "splash zone" and were literally 10 feet from the dolphins. The frog exhibit was new and won't be there too much longer, so I am definitely going back next year!

- Maggie White

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