Saturday, September 21, 2013

[ grocery ] :: the week in review

My pantry is filled to the brim! I figure that we had to, we could live off of $10 per week in groceries (milk, eggs, meat, bananas) for about a month. It's not a bad thing to have! It will come in very handy if we have an epic ice storm this winter or when I'm just too darned lazy to go to the store.

Publix. Grocery: $28.47. Retail price: $81.79. Personal Care: $12.43. Retail price: $49.40. These items were already on sale in the Publix weekly ad, and I used a coupon to save even more money.

The Hubs and I went to Publix together since some of our coupons said "Limit 1 per customer." We got 4 big cans of tomatoes, 4 packs of Smart Balance, 7 boxes of taco shells, 4 packs of tortillas, 4 jars of taco sauce, 3 cans of enchilada sauce, and 6 yogurts. We also got 6 bottles of shampoo, 1 conditioner, and 1 hair treatment - read about how I got it so cheap here.

We are definitely having taco-night a few times this month. I'm not in a hurry to use these items, since most of them expire in 2015. Can you believe that? Canned foods are amazing.

Note: I totally went back to Publix and got more stuff. Shame on me.

...and again. Darn you, Publix. This time, I used a gift card so it was FREE!

Alcohol: $43.00. Retail price (compared to Publix): $71.88. The Hubs had a genius idea to buy a case of wine from our local liquor store. He got 12 bottles of Domino Cabernet Sauvignon for just $43! The store had a case discount, so we saved 10% by buying in bulk. We are officially over-budget for alcohol this month, but I have rationed us to one bottle per week. This wine is surprisingly delicious for how inexpensive it is! Just under $4 per bottle.

Next up, Kroger. Grocery: $17.69. Retail: $29.38. Lots of fresh food this week: 2 heads of lettuce, asparagus, carrots, raspberries, 12 yogurts, and 2 packages of turkey sausage (not pictured: the package of Bratwurst that The Hubs stole and grilled immediately after I got home). Personal Care: $0.00. Retail: $8.46. 3 tubes of toothpaste, and a 3-pack of Ivory soap.

Still not done yet! I went to Aldi, Grocery: $22.37 I got The Hubs two packs of beef filet, some sausages, milk, and eggs. Not pictured: the coffee beverage I got as a snack (I was craving it, I'm weak).

And finally, Target. I normally don't shop there unless there are great deals going on. I was able to use their mobile coupons to get $1 off of 2 pounds of ground beef, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables. Also on sale, Ms. Dash seasonings for 50 cents each (we got 5) and Edge shave gel for 19 cents a piece. I used a Target gift card, so this trip was FREE! The groceries were worth a whopping $13.56 (I would have paid $8.16) and the personal care items would've been $4.88 (I would have paid $0.38).

So, the budget breakdown:

Grocery: $68.53 Holy crap I got a lot of stuff.
Personal Care: $12.43 I have enough shampoo to last through the apocalypse!
Alcohol: $43.00 Watch this last like, 2 weeks.

- Maggie White

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