Friday, October 11, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: friday fun!

Hmm...The Hubs backed out of going to Food Truck Friday with me again this week. Sad.

We ate pizza and wings last night, so he didn't think his tummy could handle another day of eating poorly.

Bahahahaha! We ended up eating chicken tenders and fries for dinner. I thought we were going to stay in and have a lazy evening...boy, was I wrong.

I got into a horrendous mood today after work, only made worse when Walgreens didn't have the only Dial bar soap that The Hubs will use. It was on sale, I had coupons, and I would have gotten 5 free 8-packs of soap after buying just one. But no, the coupon crazies struck again and I was left with a harsh reminder of why I do not shop in drugstores anymore. Sorry Wags - I love you for my prescriptions and my flu shot, but not for sales.

Instead, we went couponing at Target where I spent a whopping $2.94 (with a gift card, of course) and returned a purchase I made last week, then went to dinner and a movie. a real date without coupons. The Hubs had to placate me somehow.

We went to go see Captain Phillips featuring my favorite actor of all time, Tom Hanks. You must go see it. It's definitely suspenseful (or at least it was for me, then I cried at the end like a big baby), so I suggest actually reading about the true story of Captain Philips before going to the theater.

Happy Friday!

- Maggie White

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