Wednesday, October 2, 2013

[ entertainment ] :: it's horse show day!!!

So what was I up to this past weekend? A bunch of stuff.

To start, Gillybean spent the night on Friday and we woke up at the butt-crack of dawn (5:00 am) on Saturday to get dolled up for the first horse show of the season! I'm sure you're thinking, "Wait, aren't horse shows expensive?" Why yes, they are - unless you still ride with the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA)! We both rode with the IHSA as undergraduates so we are still eligible to show.

Instead of shelling out hundreds of dollars on show fees, and bunches of money on a horse, we register for the show ahead of time, pay a $20-$25 fee, draw a horse's name out of a hat, get on it, and show. We typically don't know the horse (we just watch them warm up prior to the show start) and don't get to practice. It's pretty fun, but there are a lot of factors you can't if your strange new horse woke up on the wrong side of the stall that morning. We basically have 10 minutes to show the judge how well we can control the horse, and how well we adapt to the new situation. You can read about it here.

We had two shows on Saturday. Here's my first horse...of course, I had to Instagram at least one picture.

Next show! Can you tell that I was kind of in love with this horse? What a good boy! (And as a note: I have no clue why he has a bandage on his leg, but he moved just fine! I assume he had some kind of boo-boo under there that needed to stay clean.)


Our next show is in a few weeks, and we're busy getting ready for it! More on my weekend adventures tomorrow. :)

- Maggie White

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