Thursday, January 30, 2014

[ recipe ] :: coconut macaroons

These coconut macaroons are yummy - chewy on the inside, crunchy on the outside, and not too sweet. Should I mention that they are also naturally gluten-free? If you are looking for a flour-free recipe, then this one is for you!

It is a rare occasion for me to bake, but since we were snowed/iced in yesterday, I figured I would do something out of the ordinary. The Hubs and I are not huge fans of desserts...we'd rather eat a piece of stinky cheese on an antipasti plate than a brownie...but these macaroons are not-too-sweet and very savory.

I found a similar recipe online from Real Simple, but tweaked it a bit in the kitchen when I ran into a few problems. I used unsweetened coconut and upped the egg whites in the recipe to give these cookies a bit more substance. I also (accidentally) made them huge - I suggest making these cookies a bit smaller than I did. They are incredibly filling! The Hubs could only eat one of these macaroons after dinner last night.


5 egg whites
3/4 c sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (almond extract would be delicious, too)
5 cups (about 1 lb) unsweetened shredded coconut


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, combing the egg whites, vanilla extract, and salt. Begin whisking the egg whites vigorously while adding the sugar a small bit at a time. The sugar should begin to dissolve and the egg should become frothy and bubbly. Then, fold in the coconut. The batter should be a bit crumbly, but don't worry - the cookies will hold their shape once baked.

Using an ice cream scoop, measure out approximately 2 tbsp of batter per cookie. Bake for 40 minutes, or until the tops of the cookies are golden brown and the sides are a bit darker and more crunchy. Makes 25-40 macaroons.

I enjoy these macaroons with my coffee...I shamefully admit that I ate a few for breakfast this morning...but they would also be delicious dipped in dark chocolate. Kind of like a grown-up version of an Almond Joy. Delish!

- Maggie White

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